




5月15日        「外国人追い出しデモ反対行動」救援会

















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Soutien aux inculps du 11 avril

Soutenons les deux Japonais qui se sont opposs la manifestation xnophobe

Le 11 avril, deux citoyens japonais ont t arrts ; ils s'taient opposs une manifestation pour les expulsions des trangers. L'un des deux a t arrt sous l'inculpation de « vol » pour avoir chip une banderole en papier mise en place par des manifestants d'extrme-droite. L'autre a t arrt trois heures plus tard au motif de rbellion contre l'excution d'un ordre officiel. Nous, en tant que leurs amis, appelons au soutien, accusons l'illgitimit de cette arrestation et demandons la police dpartementale de Saitama la libration immdiate de ces deux citoyens.

La manifestation tait organise par le groupe d'extrme-droite « l'association des citoyens qui rcusent le privilge accord aux trangers au Japon (zainichi tokken wo yurusanai shimin no kai = zaitokkai) ». Ce groupe mne, un peu partout au Japon, une action fonde sur le slogan « trangers = criminels ». Ils traitent les trangers qui habitent et ont une relation de voisinage dans les socits locales comme des criminels. Enfin, ils sont passs l'agression personnelle et disent « dehors ! » une famille qui habite la rgion depuis bien longtemps.

Aprs avoir appris l'annonce de cette manifestation sur l'internet, nos amis se sont rassembls devant la gare de Warabi afin de protester contre le mouvement xnophobe « Zaitokkai » ; ils taient une quarantaine venus pour l'occasion Warabi. Ils ont des idaux varis mais tous partagent une mme indignation devant les manifestations de xnophobie de « Zaitokkai », et devant les agressions qu'ils font subir aux plus faibles dans la socit.

Le cortge de la manifestation est pass devant l'cole primaire et le collge o est scolaris l'enfant de la famille trangre . Les manifestants ont cri « expulsons cette famille ! ». C'est une violence non seulement contre cette famille, mais aussi contre tous les trangers qui vivent dans notre socit. « Zaitokkai » dit « nous rcusons le privilge ». Mais la cible de leur agression est en ralit ceux qui sont les plus dpourvus de toutes sortes de privilge dans notre socit : ce sont des trangers, et dans ce cas, un enfant. Ce qu'ils appellent « la grande marche nationale » est une manifestation abjecte.

A 13 heure, le groupe « Zaitokkai » a commenc son meeting dans un jardin public prs de la gare de Warabi. A la fin de cette runion, ils ont apport une banderole en papier l'entre du jardin, sur laquelle on pouvait lire 「不法入国は犯罪だ。『かわいそう』のペテンにだまされるな」 (« L'immigration illgale est un crime. Ne soyez pas dup par la tromperie de "pauvre gens" »). Ces mots ont clairement pour cible cette famille sans papiers qui habite la ville de Warabi, et dont la situation a t mdiatise au Japon. Celui qui a t arrt participait  la contre-manifestation pour s'opposer  cette violence. La police lui a demand la comparution volontaire, ce qu'il a accept. Or « Zaitokkai » a port plainte contre lui. En consquence, il est toujours dtenu au commissariat de Warabi en tant que « voleur ».

Les participants la contre-manifestation se sont ensuite rassembls devant le commissariat de Warabi. Ils ont demand voir la personne arrte, en respectant les consignes de la police. Mais le commissariat de Warabi a fait tablir une barricade et a refus l'entrevue sans aucune justification. Puis les manifestants d'extrme-droite ont soudainement rapparu, guids par les policiers, et ont insult les participants la contre-manifestation. Dans ce chaos, un des contre-manifestants a t arrt au motif de rbellion contre l'excution d'un ordre officiel.

Ce sont des gens qui vivent, travaillent, et s'intgrent  dans cette socit que le « Zaitokkai » appelle « criminels » et veux expulser. On ne blesse personne, on n'usurpe personne par le fait de ne pas avoir de visa. Vivre, ce n'est pas un crime. Nous demandons la libration immdiate des deux amis qui se sont opposs la manifestation xnophobe.


Comit de soutien aux inculps du 11 avril

email : oidashihantai@gmail.com (crivez en japonais ou en anglais)

■Comment soutenir ?

Les amis des deux inculps mnent des actions bnvoles pour obtenir leur libration immdiate. Nous avons besoin d'argent pour leur faire parvenir des cadeaux, pour l'entrevue, et pour l'avocat. Vous pouvez nous faire un don en transfrant :

銀行振込 みずほ銀行 早稲田支店 店番068普 2223022 タノ シンイチ



Save the Two Persons Arrested
for Demanding an End to an Antiforeign Agitation

April 12th, 2009

by: the Rescue Committee for Action against the "Demonstration for the Expulsion of Foreigners"

On April 11th, 2009 there was an incident involving two persons arrested by the Warabi Police Station in Saitama Prefecture of Japan while participating in a counter protest against the "Demonstration for the Expulsion of Foreigners." One of the two persons was charged with the "theft" of a paper held by a leader of the demonstration. Some three hours later, the second person was arrested for allegedly interfering with a police officer in the execution of his duty. As their friends, we are calling for their rescue, appealing against the significance of their action and the injustice of the arrest, and we strongly urge the Saitama Prefectural Police to release them promptly.

On the day of the incident a "Demonstration for the Expulsion of Foreigners" was being held by a nationalist group called the "Society of Citizens Allowing No Privilege for Foreign Residents in Japan (Zainichi Tokuken wo Yurusanai Shimin no Kai; hereinafter called "Zaitokukai")." This group’s members have been widely propagandizing with inflammatory slogans such as "Foreigners are Criminals". They treat foreign nationals living peaceably and normally with their local communities as "criminals"; and they are persistently agitating for the deportation of foreigners. On top of all this, they have been carrying out personal attacks on one particular family that has long been living in the community, loudly advocating for the government to "Expel them!".

Informed of these circumstances from Internet and other sources, some forty individuals from outside the city gathered in front of the Warabi station of Japan Rail in order to protest against the demonstration being held by the Zaitokukai. While this group of individuals differed in their stances and philosophies, they shared a sense of crisis over growing anti-foreigner sentiment, as well as anger over the mean-spirited nature of attacks on some of the most vulnerable people in Japanese society.

Unbelievably, the Zaitokukai demonstration followed a course that included the elementary school previously attended by the child of the long-staying foreign family in question, as well as the junior high school s/he is currently attending. The demonstrators' shouts of "Expel them!" are an act of violence not only against the family concerned, but also against all long-staying foreigners in Japan. While this group stridently calls to "Allow No Privilege", they are specifically targeting foreigners, in particular child, who is most removed from any privilege within this society. This so-called "Great National March", is a cowardly and mean-spirited attack on the vulnerable.

At one o'clock p.m., in a public park near the station, the chauvinist group Zaitokukai started a rally to shout "Expel the family!" Sometime before the rally concluded, they carried a hand-made paper banner to the entrance of the park. It read "Illegal Immigration is a Crime - Don't Be Cheated by the Deception of 'Pity'!" These words, obviously targeted at the specific family living in Warabi, are beneath contempt, and are simply another example of the type of violence being used to attack overstaying foreigners living in the community. In order to resist this violence, one of the two arrested individuals participated in a protest action against the "Demonstration for the Expulsion of Foreigners." A police officer then requested him to come voluntarily to the police station for questioning, and he agreed. However, unbelievably, the Zaitokukai filed a property damage report to the police, as a "theft" case. Consequently, he was placed under arrest for "theft", and continues to be detained in the Warabi Police Station.

Thereafter, many of the participants in the counter-protest action gathered at the police station and made a formal request to meet the arrested person. However, the police response was to erect barricades, deploy officers, and refuse any meeting with the arrested man, without indicating any reason for their stance. Moreover, a lawyer, presenting identification, was also denied visiting rights for longer than one hour with the man. Then, escorted by the police, some rightists suddenly appeared on the scene, and began verbally abusing the protesters. In the confusion of the moment, another person was arrested, allegedly for interfering with a police officer in the execution of his duty.

In this counter protest there were undoubtedly many deficiencies in organisation, and a number of errors were made by those who called for this action. Shortcomings that can be attributed to the highly diverse body of protesters, and an insufficient consensus amongst those assembled. These criticisms should be accepted and learnt from. However, we think that the protest action against the chauvinist group Zaitokukai was, in itself, a fully justified action. The demonstration was a threatening action, one that aimed to intimidate the many foreign citizens struggling to survive in Japan despite an uncertain legal status. It is the demonstrators, and their aggressive actions, that should be judged.

On the other hand, the people whom the Zaitokukai refer to as "criminals" and whose expulsion they call for are people who live, work and have friendships with the broader Japanese community. Even though they do not possess an officially sanctioned visa, they represent no threat to Japanese society.

To live is no crime. We urge the authorities to promptly release the two people who were arrested while seeking for an end to xenophobic agitation.

e-mail address:oidashihantai@gmail.com